“Reapeiron” originally titled “Apeiron” is the third and last offering by the Serbian melodic death metal band Psychoparadox. Released in 1998, the album gives the band’s unique blend of melodic death metal, reminiscent of the early works of bands like In Flames, Dark Tranquillity and Hypocrisy. Psychoparadox, brought a distinctive Eastern European twist to the melodic death metal scene with their intense and intricate compositions. “Reapeiron” is known for its melodic riffs, complex song structures, and a perfect balance between aggression and melody. The production, while raw, adds to the nostalgic feel of the album, making it a gem for old-school metal fans. First time on vinyl, this reissue  allowed fans to experience the album in a new format, highlighting its timeless quality and cementing Psychoparadox’s place in the melodic death metal history.

LP out on May 14th, 2021

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Reapeiron by Psychoparadox